Share contact list


i just installed OpenFire 3.6.4 on windows 2008 using oracle as db.

I wanna add ALL contacts from my company at my spark´s user and share it with all other users.

What table did openfire stores my contact list?


It seems there are a lot of ppl asking for this.

I highly doubt you will be able to do this. If the users are members of your openfire server, you need only create a group on the server, add all users to it and share it out.

With the various plugins you can also make users auto join that group when their account is created. If you are using LDAP you just add them to a specific LDAP group on the LDAP server.

Thanks for your reply.

I cannot list any group of my AD. When i try to find it says number of results but don´t show the results.

It seems i am missing something.