SIP Phone Mappings can not register


I have OpenFire 3.6.0 and Spark 2.5.8. Installed SIP phone plgin 1.0.3 in Openfire and Phone client 1.0 in Spark.

Created SIP phone mapping to a asterisk PBX. Tested green.

Started Spark but there is no “Enable phone” entry under “Action” and there is no phone call box under the top menu.

In Openfire it shows “Unregistered” and user name is the Asterisk SIP one.

Strangly enough at some point it started working : I got “Enable phone” entry under “Action” and in Openfire it showed Registerd. In addition username in Openfire has changed to teh username that I use to log on to Spark.

After that I tried setting up mapping for other SIP accounts but none worked - same symptoms as above.

In attempt to re-create issue I deleted my working sip mapping from Openfire and created a new one. This brought me back to the starting (non-working condition).

Any help is greatly appreciated !