Sizing - Red5

I want to use only the videoconferencing feature Red5. Someone uses an average or large scale? Where can I find information about the infrastructure needed (sizing) to handle a hundred simultaneous connections?

If you aks me - it hasn’t been done so far :slight_smile: I’ve a couple of users using video chat all the day but that’s it. For large scale video conferencing there are some better software options out there.

Tk´s for your opinion. Do you think there other best opensource solutions?

Most of them using Red5 Streaming Server.

Here you have some options. But i do not know if they are scaleable to a large number of useres. You may try and give some feedback :slight_smile:

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3

But I need an opensource solution . Well, I noticed that the Openfire consumes 20 MB for each pair of connections. With the default settings the network traffic (in/out ) is at 434 kB/s.