Slow file transfer window in Spark 2.5.5?

I’ve noticed that with 2.5.5 if I go to send someone a file, it takes a VERY long time for the file browsing window to pop up, and also seems to take longer to browse for files.

Has anyone else seen/noticed this?

Have seen this with older versions and have reported that. recently Derek has switched to system file picker, but it seems that in 2.5.5 built in slow file picker is back. In avatar selection window it is using system file picker, so it’s fast. Should be consistent and use same technic everythere. I think you can tag this thread as a “bug”.

I could even find old JIRA issue ticket for you. But that site is awfully slow most of the time, couldnt waste my time waiting…

Geez, this bug has been annoying me. I would be happy to fix it SPARK-819 will take care of it.

