Slow start openfire

Were using Openfire 3.6.3 on Ubuntu platform.
When restarting the service, it takes almost 5 minutes before the service can be used again.

Anyone an idea what to do?

If I need to give more information, please advice.



Hi Danie,

I assume that the Ubuntu JVM has a problem with /dev/random. Quite a few users did report similar problems and you may want to use another JVM.

Creating some thread dumps (kill -3 pid-of-openfire) during startup will likely show you that the JVM and thus Openfire takes so long withing a method generateRandomSeed() or something like this.



I’ve been having the same problem on debian lenny. I’ve checked the jvm and it is using java-sun-1.5 which i think should be ok. Are there are any other suggestions?

Use Java 6. Java 5 did reach EOL in 2009.

I must have bigger problems going on, a fresh installation on this machine is having the same problem. And it is using the java-6 runtime.


create some javacore files during startup. There you’ll find an active thread and where it is blocking.

See also


Turns out this was the result of DNS lookup problems. Openfire was slow to start when unable contact the DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf. Fixed that system configuration problem and openfire starts fine.