Smack 4.2.3 was tagged and released recently to Maven Central. As always, patchlevel releases of Smack are API compatible and can be used as drop-in replacement.
We like to thank everyone who contributed to this release. This not only includes the various contributors shown below, but also everyone who reported an issue or suggested an improvement.
$ git shortlog -sn 4.2.2..4.2.3
20 Florian Schmaus
5 Paul Schaub
1 dave-stanley
1 lohse
The list of fixed bugs can be found in the Smack 4.2.3 changelog. Or have a look at the github comparison of the 4.2.2…4.2.4 tags.
In the meanwhile Paul was busy contributing various new features to Smack. Some of them have been already merged into the 4.2 branch and are scheduled for the 4.2.4 release.
The first beta of Smack 4.3 was also published. We encourage everyone willing to try out the 4.3.0-beta1 in preperation of upcoming release of 4.3. Any feedback about the latest beta is highly appreciated.