Smack api send message is not working

Hi Team

i am trying to make a connection and sending a message with openfire using smack java api.

i am not getting any error on my java code but not sure about message is delivered to openfire or not. To check this i used a convers.js client, connected it to openfire using configuration. It means whatever message i am sending from java code, should appear at converse chat window.
but message is not received to converse chat window.please find below java and converse.js configuration.
java code :-

DomainBareJid serviceName = JidCreate.domainBareFrom(“”);
XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration config = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder()
.setUsernameAndPassword(“admin”, “—”)
.setSecurityMode(SecurityMode.disabled) // Do not disable TLS except for test purposes!
AbstractXMPPConnection connection = new XMPPTCPConnection(config);

	ChatManager chatManager = ChatManager.getInstanceFor(connection);
	chatManager.addIncomingListener(new IncomingChatMessageListener() {
	  void newIncomingMessage(EntityBareJid from, Message message, Chat chat) {
	    System.out.println("New message from " + from + ": " + message.getBody());
	EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom("");
	Chat chat = chatManager.chatWith(jid);

Converse.js config :-

allow_logout: false,
allow_muc_invitations: false,
allow_contact_requests: false,
authentication: ‘anonymous’,
auto_login: true,
auto_join_rooms: [
notify_all_room_messages: [
bosh_service_url: ‘’,
jid: ‘’,
keepalive: true,
hide_muc_server: true,
play_sounds: true,
show_controlbox_by_default: true,
strict_plugin_dependencies: false,

Please check if i am doing anything wrong. where can i check the message in openfire (any logs or database).
in above code i am also confused whether i am inputting right jid (domainBareFrom / entityBareFrom).

Thanks in Advance.

I assume that your chat server is running on
In that case you configured your connection wrong already.
Let’s say you want to login with user Then you’d have to do the following:

XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration config = XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.builder()
.setUsernameAndPassword(“”, “—”)
.setSecurityMode(SecurityMode.disabled) // Do not disable TLS except for test purposes!

Make sure that your server is reachable via DNS, then you can refrain from doing manual error prone host/service/port configuration.

If you however need to do such manual configuration, your serviceDomain is probably What you were using is the service domain of the conference service, which is not of interest for you.
It also appears that you are trying to send a message in a MUC, for which you have to use the MultiUserChatManager. The ChatManager is used for 1:1 chats only.

If you want to contact a user via 1:1 chat, then you also need to use an EntityBareJid of the format On the other hand is the address of a multi user chat (conference). So if you instead want to contact the user via MUC, use that address.

Thanks Paul,

I am now able to get and send messages.

The problem was i am not using “MultiUserChatManager”.

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