Smack Message Length limit

Hello ,
I use the smack 4.3.4,but when the server send too long message to me, I can’t receive it completely, only part of it。
Is there a length limit for smack? I use the Spark for test. It can receive completely.

Any help is appreciated

Just curious, what happens in that case? Is the stanza truncated / unreadable? I imagine that the XML is no longer valid which would lead to Smack crashing?

Spark uses Smack. If Spark successfully receives the message, then Smack can, too.

Could you elaborate on that?

There are certain (customizable) limits in place. But besides that, I can not comment further due the lack of details in your original problem description.

thanks, I got the reason. It’s not smack issue. It will be truncated when convert a too large string to inputstream.

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Yes,you are right.It’s not smack issue.

I got the reason. It’s not smack issue. It will be truncated when convert a too large string to inputstream.

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