Some tests Failed in smack 4.0.0-rc2-snapshot while building

The below tests failed.





multipleMessageSubjectsTest software/smack/util/

I tried to debug with it and found that for an unknown reason, the first one in Locale.getAvailableLocales() is an Locale with no language code(empty string), which failed the test.(Also for old versions)

Tested in oracle JDK8_u5 x64 + windows. va.lang.String)
The language code “und” is mapped to language “”.

May relat to this.

I’m sorry for my poor English


By The Way:

building for javadoc also failed with some HTML Tag (see err.log), how could I make it work? (3665 Bytes)

Thanks for reporting. SMACK-564

Not sure why the javadoc target fails. It seems that the error output is missing in err.log.

Probably the new DocLint feature in Java 8 made the JavaDoc build fail.

You can either disable DocLint or repair the broken HTML tags/other errors it reports.

Thank you.

I modify build.gradle as the below page says to disable it, and now javadoc works well.