Space Usage

Hi All,

I noticed that my server was fast running out of space. var was 89Gigs. On digging a little deeper, I noticed that /var/db/mysql was the culprit. There are a number of files there named messaging-bin.a number eg. messaging-bin.374. Could anyone please tell me what these are for and whether it is possible to clear them if they are log files?


What plugins have you installed on your server? Do you have offline storage enabled and what number of users do you have? Do you have a debug mode enabled? http://server:9090/logviewer.jsp?log=debug

I have client control, content filter, email listener, filetransferdisabler, im gateway, monitoring service, packet filter and search plugins installed. Debugging is disabled. I have about 50 users. I don’t know where to find offline storage so I’m pretty sure I didn’t enable it. I know I archive conversations though.

Well, probably 50 users cant generate 89 GB chat logs. So i dont really know what this can be.

Well it seems the name of the files was certainly misleading. They turned out to be mysql replication logs. THings are fine again.


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