When the remote client is GAIM Spark 1.0.2 will not show messages received
Unless I send the first message and keep the chat windows open.
Anyone else seen this problem?
When the remote client is GAIM Spark 1.0.2 will not show messages received
Unless I send the first message and keep the chat windows open.
Anyone else seen this problem?
Ah. Good catch. It’'s because GAIM is sending the message in XHTML format. You can track the progress with SPARK-130.
Looking forward to the next release then to fix this issue. It’'s funny that it works great for everybody but the admin because I use Linux so I have to use GAIM so far.
Mr Vinson you should probably recompile with -Dstopmessingaroundwiththesun
Is there anywhere Spark 1.0.3 or later can be obtained in order to impliment a fix for this?
Hi Abricorn,
Spark 1.0.3 will be released tomorrow (Thursday January 5th).
Nice, I will eagerly await its release.
Yay YAY YAY This makes me really really happy. I can finally initiate conversation with the users!!! Awesome job guys.
Confirming this is fixed, thanks.
No problem at all. Enjoy.