Spark 1.6 B2 Crashing on hitting the "Advanced Setting" on Windows 64 bit platform


I seeing these crashes on Windows XP 64 Bit machines.

As soon as you touch the Advanced Button, the Spark Client crashes, and it happens so quickly that to the user it seems that the application just disappears.

I have tested this against the latest Java version and still see the same behavior… Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Spark 2.5.8 seemed to work sometimes, but on Spark 1.6 B2 this crash happens consistantly.

I am in the process of Pilot Testing Openfire/Spark before deploying it to 9000+ Users in our organization of which about 10% run 64 bit windows, so this is a big issue for me.


Are Windows XP 64 Bit machines supported by Spark? I can reproduce this problem consistently. Is this addressed in Spark 2.6.0?

Corrected title and added my config:

Sun Solaris 10

MS Windows XP sp2

Java 1.5.0_16-b02

Spark 2.6.0 b2

OpenFire 3.5.2

All 64bit machines are supported or should be, I have Spark running fine on Vista Ultimate 64bit.

Thanks Winsrev. Have you any clue why my SSO and 64-bit machines aren’t playing well together?