Spark 2.0.0 Beta released

1.1.9 actually. I have described why i’'m posting such thread in Wildfire forum.

So going to the point.

New toolbar is eating a lot of space, especially when i’'m not using avatars.

Group nesting works in such way:

You create new group in Admin Console, add some contacts and define group’‘s Display name as Group1 :: Group2 (space before :: and after). Group1 will be the main group’‘s Display name and Group2 will be nested group’'s Display name.

Issue: in some cases the could be no users in main group, so there is a line “There is no online contacts in this group” right above the group’'s name in Spark. Annoying thing in complex environment.

And i see some odd grey dot in the left corner of nested group’‘s “titlebar”, this gradient grey bar with collapse/expand button. The right bar’‘s corner is looking different too. Probably because it’'s nested group and this ba is idented. And as it was mentioned elsewhere indentation should be more distinguishable. I mean contacts icons. Bar look ok so far, but contacts are nearly on the same line.

Hi Oleg,

now that you did post the “official” announcement I wonder whether SPARK-306, SPARK-289, SPARK-299 and SPARK-292 are included in 2.0.0 beta but missing in the change log.


Derek?! Well, this is a Beta relelase and not 2.0 Final, so some features could be not included, especially those which were requested after Beta release. Like SPARK-306.

SPARK-289 is working (just checked), but not included in Beta changelog somehow.

SPARK-299 dont know how to test Havent played with scrollbars much in older versions.

SPARK-292 included in Beta


I see SPARK-297 isn’'t fixed yet

I see the received invite in the raw received packets window, but no message comes up…

Also I think maybe a confirmation when sending a desktop snapshot would be a good idea? You might accidentaly click it and send some confidential information to somebody by mistake.


Also I think maybe a confirmation when sending a

desktop snapshot would be a good idea? You might

accidentaly click it and send some confidential

information to somebody by mistake.

Yes, after thinking more, this feature seems to be more a problem for novice users. I rather make screenshot, edit it and then send like a file. Dont like that Spark Chat Window is covering part of screen area.


Not sure if this is a Spark issue or a Wildifre issue… but here goes…

Can someone rename the client to 2.0.0 or get Wildfre to recognise it as 1.1.9?

I’'m surrently getting upgrade notifications from our server everytime we logon…

The server thinks its got 2.0.0 BETA to install and the client thinks its an outdated version 1.1.9 with a new version on the server…

