Spark 2.0.3 Release Bug

Spark 2.0.3 was released today, and the only issue I see so far is below…

If you have your password stored and auto login enabled, when you log out, you are automatically logged back in without clicking anything. In other words, you have to disable your auto login to be able to ever log out or stay on the logon screen when you open the software.

This is not a huge deal, but I thought I’'d get it out there…


Since upgrading to Spark 2.0.3 I can no longer perform ldap based searches. I deleted 2.0.3. and put 2.0.2 back on and it works fine. I have only verified this on the Mac version. Anyone else seeing this?

silvertooth wrote:

Since upgrading to Spark 2.0.3 I can no longer perform ldap based searches. I deleted 2.0.3. and put 2.0.2 back on and it works fine. I have only verified this on the Mac version. Anyone else seeing this?

I can’'t get the Mac version to auto-login at all.


I have the same problem in the PC version but with AD connection.


Funny It seems 2.0.3 works as i have described here, logins back instantly

So, auto-login checkbox issue is fixed (there were a lot of requests), but now it annoys all the rest, cause now to go to login screen you have to disable auto-login in Preferences first. After all i think this should behave like in previous versions. Auto-login should work only after exiting Spark, not after manual log out.

BTW, i have finally found out how reconnect works. If you loose connection and hit reconnect it will reconnect if auto-login is checked. In other case it will display login screen. Not logical. Reconnect means to me connecting back to session, nevemind the auto-login checkbox. But this is ok if this will stay like that. Just dont make the same in auto-reconnect

I agree. Auto-Login should automatically log you in in all circumstances (Spark being started as an application, Disconnection for any reason, etc) except when you choose logoff. Then you are taken back to the main screen.

Here’'s the reason why: 99.5% of the time, I run spark with my main username. .5% of the time I need to troubleshoot someone not being able to login in andneed to sign in as them. Currently, I have to go uncheck autologin in preferences, logoff, logon as them, logoff and logon as myself again ensuring I check the autologin box.

If it worked as proposed. I just logoff as me, logon as the new user, logoff as them and logon as me. No extra steps.
