Spark 2.0 Released

Hi brijhelpdesk,

Can you take a look in your bin directory of your spark install and tell me what files are there. I’'m a little confused what this issue could be.

Thank you so much,


you solved my problem…thanks :-)…in C:\Program Files\Spark\bin, if there is still the online upgrade file in there, it will keep prompting you to install the upgrade even if you installed it. Maybe there needs to be some sort of script integrated into the online install file that automatically deletes that file from the C:\Program Files\Spark\bin directory, since that is where the problem is originating from.


Glad it solved your problem. Although, I’'ll need to make a fix to do better matching Will be fixed in 2.0.1.

Thank you,


Love the new login screen! Hell it looks pretty all around. Great job!


for 9 months I pitched the wildfire/spark combo to my bosses as an EXCELLENT alternative to the current corporate IM engine and while Wildfire was going through a few growing pains, they gave me LOTS of latitude, although a few issues here and there almost destroyed my credibility (namely the shared group prescence issue addressed in Wildfire 3.0.1)…but when we’‘d got past all that, there were a few here who were about ready to toss in the proverbial towel because of functionality and speed that Spark 1.1.4 just couldn’‘t offer. I waited patiently and fought off the nay sayers while 2.0.0 was in beta and I have to say…the end product was WELL worth the wait. From everyone here, the praises haven’‘t stopped. The lighter weight of the app married with the new jre (1.5.0_08) plus the new UI’'s have made devoted users of them ALL.

I’'ll say it again, you guys have outdone yourselves and made a hero out of me where I work. WELL F-IN DONE!

There’'s talk higher up of doing an enterprise deployment now so thank you for giving me the best professional reputation anyone could ask for!


If you ever find yourselves in the Massachusetts area, I’'ll buy the first round!

THKS for your help!!!

with pleasure

ddman: Auto-reconnect don’'t working in 2.0 release. Is this will work in 2.0.1? I can prepare language file for russian language. In which codepage this should be? CP1251? UTF8?

Message was edited by: Thalt

ddman wrote:

We are very pleased to announce the release of Spark 2.0. Some of the new features include:

  • Open Source under LGPL (removed all commercial “pieces” for a pure open-source client)
  • Open Source under LGPL

this is so great that you mentioning it twice

    • Full I18N support

has caused real nasty problem to everyone who has upgraded to 2.0.0 I think this should be fixed ASAP, because not every is so smart to unpack spark.jar, create new locale file and pack it again. And i dont think anyone should be messing with that to start program.

    • Online/Offline/Typing notifications in the contact list
  • Stale chat support (tab management)

seems to be working fine, like in Beta

    • Quick Links bar (buttons on top)

View Bookmarks button does nothing for me

    • New UI for Invitations and Broadcasts

interesting idea to put everything in a chat window.

    • Notification preferences (toaster popups, window focus)

finally it doesnt steal my tab focus. great

    • Optimized numerous aspects of the client for improved speed
  • Improved Look and feel

Yeah. It seems Spark is starting a little bit faster And light theme in splash screen looks better than dark.

  • VCard has now a “JID:” entry - this could make it easy to copy the JID of a user on my roster but it seems to be empty except for admin.

Simple copy file in spark.jar\i18n\ with name of your locale. Ex: or something like this.

Can someone elaborate this sentence. i am having same problem.

I do not understand where to copy this file. There is no spark.jar folder.

Plz tell me in detail what i need to do to remove this exception



Rita wrote:

Simple copy file in spark.jar\i18n\ with name of your locale. Ex: or something like this.

Can someone elaborate this sentence. i am having same problem.

I do not understand where to copy this file. There is no spark.jar folder.

Plz tell me in detail what i need to do to remove this exception

Upgtrading to 2.0.1 should be enough.

About the upper. I’'m opening C:\Program Files\Spark\lib\spark.jar with archiver (7-zip in my case) and going to i18n folder, then extract, rename it to and drop back to opened archive. Ths is what i have done with version. But as i said you dont have to do this with 2.0.1.

I did SVN update yesterday and i am still having same problem. Plz note that i am debugging the project (running the source code).

I also try to rename file and pasted this file in i18n folder and it doesn’'t solve my problem either

any suggestion ?

