Almost every program that has update function has a checkbox for disabling updates or notifies about updates. So, we need one more option maybe in Notifications preferences, e.g.
- Notify about new Spark version (unchecked by default?)
Almost every program that has update function has a checkbox for disabling updates or notifies about updates. So, we need one more option maybe in Notifications preferences, e.g.
If noone will update the old Spark Manager 1.1.0 plugin to support openfire 3.3.0 and above, I think this is a NEEDED (MUST HAVE) feature… there are just way too many reason for something like this!! Even if it would make it easier just throw together a quick version with the updates disabled in that release, until you guys get the time to figure out an option type box for it…For me the spark manager would be the preferred of the 2!! Simple and functional!!
looks like a lot of looks at my thread but no responses from any devs yet…(fingers crossed)
heck if anyine could even get me the source for the spark manager if that is what is needed I would try to screw with it myself if I had any idea of how to change the small bits that needed changed (desperate for a solution by monday)
Thanks for your reply here. More replies, more attention from devs
Yes, i know about Spark Manager, have tried it when it just came out, with bad luck though. Cant remember what was wrong then. But i’‘m pretty sure that it wount be updated to 3.3.0. It’'s a part of Enterprise. But i dont need Spark Manager. I need Spark to work fine with AD tools (good MSI installs, no notifies).
Gets my vote!
As a quick fix, you could consider putting a rule in your firewall stopping clients from accessing the site checked for updates.
We dont have a firewall, i mean we dont have ability to manage anything, we are just part of bigger network. As a fix could be Spark Manager, seems to be released soon after all. But i think we still can have “Dont check for updates” checkbox somethere.