Spark 2.6.0 beta and system tray icon


still having trouble with systray icon.

I’ve installed spark_2.6.0.beta1_all.deb which should be for all platforms, but I believe it is not yet.

phaoost@warp:~$ spark

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/phaoost/.Spark/plugins/idlelinux/lib/ /home/phaoost/.Spark/plugins/idlelinux/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)

at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(

at java.lang.Runtime.load0(

at java.lang.Runtime.load(

at com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.LinuxIdle.<clinit>(

at com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.CheckIdle$

at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


Exception in thread “Timer-1” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.LinuxIdle.idleTime()J

at com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.LinuxIdle.idleTime(Native Method)

at com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.LinuxIdle.getIdleTime(

at com.jivesoftware.idlelinux.CheckIdle$

at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(


This has been started with new fresh profile, e.g. I did ‘rm -rf ~/.Spark’

Not sure how many more years to wait for a simple tray icon

Well, the problem is is that it’s not so simple, we’ve narrowed the problem down, just not so sure as to how to fix it.

is this a new issue? or exists in Version 2.5.8 release?

well, on one hand - the issue is new, as there were no debian arch-independent package in 2.5.8. I am using amd64 and have relpaced .so files (what the heck elf32 binary does in arch-independet _all package?) to symlinks of correct libraries from libjdic-bin package.

on the other - systray icon was never showing on amd64 arch in previous versions, so it is still old issue

Spark tray icon still missing in 2.6.0-beta2 under fresh Debian installation amd64 sid branch.

Architecture-dependent files still exist in beta2 as well. they still need to be replaced by debian dependencies as libjdic-bin provides those libraries

This is more than likely going to be rewrote for 2.6.1, upgrading to Java 6 and using a different system tray library will both contribute and hopefully get the system tray icon working forever.

systray icon is still missing in 2.6.0-beta2 under kde4 installed from Squeeze/sid debian repository. I am using fresh amd64 software including sun jre for my platfom

Of course it is still missing, as this beta version hasnt been changed. I suggest to try the alternative installer with more recent code.

Thank you. Finally it works.