Spark 2.6 Update Fails to Install

My users are currently at Spark 2.5.8. With the update of the server, users are now getting a broadcast message that an update to Spark is available. When a user (including admins) clicks on install, nothing happens and the broadcast messages continue. Is this a known problem? Any thoughts on a fix?



I am experiencing the same problem. Does the installer need to be uploaded to the server?

i think so

Can anyone provide steps on how to upload the install files to the server? Or to disable to broadcast messages so the users are not prompted for an update?

Assuming you are using OpenFire, go to the web GUI. Under Server>Client Management>Spark Version you can upload the new build of Spark. You can also set a message the end user sees while it’s downloading from the server to their workstations.

Then when the user logs in and if you have Spark set to check the server for updates, it will pop up and say the new version is available, do you want to install? If they choose yes, it will download to their workstation, tell them it will need to shut down the client to install the new version, and run through the install process.

Unfourtanetly it’s not a silent install, though you could package an msi to do so. It’s just 4 Next’s so it should be easy enough for users.

I think it is failing because the profile location changed.

My users are getting the prompt to install, they do. It downloads and then tells them they have to close the client to complete the installation, they do. But then nothing happens. They start Spark again and get another prompt, rinse, repeat.

Works now

Can you explain? There’s been no updates, so how can we get it to work, too?

What version of Spark and Openfire are you using?

If you are using Spark 2.5.8 and select the Menue “Help” -> Check for updates, you will receive the spark_2_6_0.exe and the change log. At least on my 2.5.8 test client. The 2.6.0 will be provided by If you have Openfire plugin Spark Client Control you will not receive an update notice.

They have to open Spark with Run as Administrator to get the update to finish. Really glad i only have this setup for my IT department for testing. I could image the number of support calls for this.

How hard would it be to create a silent install for this? You used to be able to do spark.exe /q and get a silent install. I wonder how hard it would be to edit the client manager to add this in?

The silent switch is -q. You may want to repackage Spark in an MSI. There are some discussion threads around this. Someone has to compile a “How to do an MSI for Spark” or update/extend this document:

The community that is actively working on the Openfire and Spark code is very small. Corporate features like “Client control and update” for all kind of operating systems is not really a part time job.

I would really appreciate, if someone with this demand is spending some (e.g. 250 java coding and packaging and documentation hours) to work on this.