Spark 2.8.2 vs linux

Нет уведомлений о входящий сообщений. Не видно что кто то написал, уведомлений тоже нет. Так же отсутствует звук.
Установка производится на alt linux Spark 2.8.2
ALT Linux 7.0.5 SPT (silo)

No notification of incoming messages. Not in sight that who the wrote, notifications, too, there is no. Also there is no sound. Installation is performed on alt linux Spark 2.8.2
ALT Linux 7.0.5 SPT (silo)

There is currently no developers working on Spark. This is especially complicated for Linux as there are many distributions. Haven’t ever tried ALT (not sure if heard about it even, is it Russian distro for government?). So unless someone provides a patch or explains how to fix this, nothing can be done.

You can at least try the 2.9.0 nightly build to see if popup/roar notifications work. 2.9.0 currently has no sounds, so it won’t change in that aspect.

Пробовали версию 2.9.0 проблема аналогичная ничего не изменилось
Пробовали более старые версии аналогично ничего не изменилось
flashing.jar - полностью не работает на Lunix

Tried version 2.9.0 problem is the same nothing has changed Tried older versions similarly nothing has changed flashing.jar-not fully working on Lunix

Ah, so this is in regard to flashing. Yeah, now i remember this

The problem has not been solved as I understand it?

Yes, it hasn’t. It has Open and Unresolved status.

We have an average of 420 Spark users from windows to Lunix, it is very sad that the notification does not work, we hope to solve this problem. Thank you!

As i’ve said, there are no developers actively working on Spark now. So i wouldn’t hope it would be fixed soon.