Spark 2.9.0 Snapshot:Vcard+Russian Language

Hi, When using the latest version of Spark 2.9.0(snapshot 04.04.2019), there is a problem with the Russian language and not all users display data from the Vcard. Moreover, if Spark 2.8.3 is used, Vcard data is displayed.

Made a clean installation Spark, deleted the folder from appdata \ roaming \ Spark.

Openfire 4.3.2 + MySql(MySQL 5.7.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.2+ mysql-connector-java-8.0.12) is used


Translations issue is affecting all languages
Vcard issue

SPARK-2093 fixed in the latest nightly build.

It’s a good news.
Looking at the list of problems Spark 2.9.0 for me, only the incorrect operation of vcard is critical.

Just installed a new snapshoot Spark 2.9.0 from 06/08/2020.
The interface language is now correctly displayed, but for some reason, some statuses are still displayed with %%%% / characters.


I have created but i can’t fix this myself. Maybe Aleksandr (who had a hint about the main translation) will have an idea. There are many more places like that in Spark i think.

I’m not familiar with git and many years didn’t code in java, so i’ll just post fixes in jira comments, ok? =)

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btw, looks like vcards have problem with caching, StanzaFilter and similar classes is part of Spark or Smack?

Thanks to mkamois suggestion idle message and typing notifications are now fixed too

I’m not a developer, so not sure :slight_smile: But if i search for StanzaFilter in Spark’s code i see a few imports:
import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.StanzaFilter;
one of them in

@mkamois provided a fix for vCard. It is applied and can be tested in this build

Hi, thanks for the fix.
But I do not see the difference with previous builds like that, because I still do not see vCard.

It seems that all iq packet processing is done by smack library - I can see proper vcard packet in debug windows, but when it’s saved to xml - there’s only <N> and <ORG> tags. And I’m not sure how to debug compiled jar =(

Except of @ symbol in jid - it splits to local part and domain part and then combining together again, but without @ symbol

Well, Smack source is here

I believe I’ve fixed the VCard issue in

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yes, now vcard data is shown, that’s good!
but the first and last name are written with a lowercase letter, also the “@” character is missing in the username on the xmpp server.

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Thanks for your quick verification! The way that nicknames are handled in Spark is a bit puzzling. Nonetheless, I think I’ve applied fixes for both remaining issues in

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Ready for testing

Wow. Excellent!
Thank you so much!