Spark 2.9.2 Released

The Ignite Realtime community is happy to announce the availability of Spark version 2.9.2.

This release fixes offline messages and a few other issues. Full list can be found in the changelog.

We are thankful to all the contributors and encourage developers to get involved with Spark project by providing feedback in the forums or submitting pull requests on our GitHub page.

You can download Spark from the Downloads page. Below are the sha1 checksums:

44bedca5f8c49373e3a3454ae92857612a907714  spark_2_9_2.deb
9b2a36cb4bc5b620f6e34d0bbe52ad57f0ff1bee  spark_2_9_2.dmg
8df94552ada52a8c2a7da68ad596f4acd39d9ac4  spark_2_9_2.exe
b1a81744923f4aaf3d39ced95fea233b6077f93c  spark-2.9.2.rpm
4933144d2812c638effe95344dce304dbf820c0d  spark_2_9_2.tar.gz
21836f86e101a7e48fcbd44fa400d5862f0840ab  spark_2_9_2-with-jre.dmg
68e2ed4bd916bab17a0f963f748176d4d8514c29  spark_2_9_2-with-jre.exe

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