Spark and Group Policy

I have installed Spark and Openfire with AD and this is working fine, the issue I am experiencing is that it will not start unless I run it as local administrator. Our group policy stops access to the c drive and Desktop.

Can anyone advise how to resolve this.



This is a know issue with the current version (2.5.8) of the spark MSI installers. The only avail workaround at this point has been to recompile the EXE installers into and MSI on your own, or have a community member do it for you.

We install via GPO with no problems.

What do you mean no C: drive and desktop access?

I was able to get it working by giving the users modify access to the Spark Program Files directory.

We have tried to place modift permissions on the spark folder and this has still not worked.

I sent you a private message with an URL to a custom MSI installer.