Spark and vcard mappings

Hello, I got my vcard mappings mostly working with Wildfire and LDAP, but a few fields I just don’'t know how to present on the config file.

What is the field names for JID and Company?

I do know where to get that on my LDAP, but I don’'t know what to map it to…

Did I miss any documentation?


I figured out how to set the company:

Any clues on the JID ?

I figure that there are no clues, so I will switch the question:

If you are using LDAP, do you have the JID field defined on your wildfire configuration?


I could not figure out the jid mapping either, so I edited the source for the client.

I don’'t know if this will help you or not. I am building a modified version of Spark, so it worked for me.

Anyhow, if it helps, I modified and added:

VCard ret = (VCard)vcardMap.get(jid);


return ret;

to the end of the method GetVCard() around line 571.

Hope this helps.


Matthew Cowell

Systems Analyst - MMF

Will this allow for display name in roster to default to the AD username instead of the JID?

No, unfortunately not. This only changes the jid in the vCard and not in the Roster.

You would have to write seperate code to pull up the friendly name in the Roster instead of the jid.

Hope that helps,

Matt Cowell

Systems Analyst - MMF

If you want to set that, edit the following line, with the field you want.

I am looking for something I will not need to rebuild whenever an update is released.

Thanks anyway!