Spark client access from Mac OS [ 10 .12 ]

I have installed spark client 2.8 [ latest version available in openfire site ] for Mac OS in Mac OS 10.12. The installation was success but when I am trying to access account it shows following error messages .

  1. Unable to verify certificate - But enabled settings from advance option of spark client
  2. Certificate host name verification failed - But enabled settings from advance option of spark client.
  3. Now I am facing Unknown username and password error while trying with account I have configured in server

Note : I could access this account properly in windows machine and Linux .

Version details given below for your reference

  1. Openfire version : 3.8.2
  2. Spark client used in mac 10.12 : 2.8.3
  3. Spark client for windows : 2.7.5

What is your XMPP Domain value (shown on the first page in Admin Console of Openfire)? And what you put into Domain field in Spark?

See the screenshot of my admin console [ Uploaded the image ] .

I have put IP address of server in the domain filed Eg :

Is there any dependency issue for openfire version with new Mac OS ?. Before Mac OS 10.12, it was worked fine .

I don’t know of any dependencies. Not using Mac OS myself and no other developer is using it. You are using very old Openfire, Java 7, not Oracle’s Java. There could be many things affecting this.

You shouldn’t be using IP address to login. Your XMPP Domain is server6. You should use server6 in Spark. Of course, it won’t work if you don’t have such entry in your DNS for computers to find what server6 stands for.

If you don’t know how to setup DNS, you can try this: in Spark go to Advanced settings, uncheck Automatically discover host and port, put IP of your server into Host field, press OK, put server6 into Domain field in Spark on the login screen and try logging in. If it works, you can also Uncheck the “Disable certificate hostname verification”.

We have checked with new version of Openfire [ 4.2.2 ] with new user DB is worked fine in Mac OS . Hope the open-fire version was problem .

We have some difficulty for migrating old server to new server . [ DB is not supporting with new openfire.Getting authentication error while trying to login admin console with existing user ] .

Could you please suggest an option for migrating old DB to new which has to support new openfire server .

What database do you use? Is it embedded one or external like mysql? How exactly have you tried to migrate? You can try updating your current server to 4.2.2. And then move database to a new server, if needed. You might want to update one by one, not straight to 4.2.2, as setup might have troubles updating everything in one run. You can find older versions here

What database do you use? - Mysql
How exactly have you tried to migrate? - Installed new openfire server in new system and tried to connect to existing DB [old DB] . But that was didn’t work .

Thanks for the link that you shared . I will try with older version and parallelly will try for upgrade existing working setup to latest version .

We have tried with old version of openfire with old DB was worked fine . But didn’t get any option for upgrading the DB .

We are stuck in old DB with our bundle of data . Any suggestion to upgrade the DB data which could compatible for new version of opernfire ?

In new Openfire installation you will find DB scripts for upgrading it. You can try running them manually against your old database one by one. Do backup first. Scripts are in \resources\database