Spark improvement-- Suggestions

Thanks team for the beautiful, i find this softphone incredible and credit goes to you team. I have been instrumental in evaluating different softphones from Avaya, Cisco, microsoft, xlite etc… some more including other vendors which i can’t name here … Let me put my suggest which might be good for softphone improvement.

  1. LDAP integration is one time, i.e server level from open fire, I belive if the softphone itself can act as ldap client then a user can incorporat/call all users from his personal/professional/multiple directories.

  2. The presence is excellent and automatic, i like it very much. However the softphone require some improvement on call control, instead of having voice from softphone it should have mode like avaya has its telecommutor and roadwarrior mode where RTP path can be on PC or IP phone based on users presence on desk or outside. This way voice remain clear while user is on desk while still controlling all signalling through softphone.

  3. The softphone integration with sip is through server only, one need to map individual extensions with the user name which is time consuming and difficult, its easiest to give these options to user in softphone itself. he can set his sip details on softphone itself and login. I suggest if it can support two account one is xmpp and another sip( just like bria of counterpath).

  4. The port defination of the client like rtp port range should be customizable in softphone ( spark).