Spark ports : open fire related,


I need to install Spark in a international location via Public IP address. so i need to map it in the router. can any one help me with the ports used in OPEN FIRE to communicate with the client and the server…??


Usually 5222 ports is used for client to communicate with Openfire.


Here’s the relevant ports I opened up in my firewall:

TCP 7777 – IM file transfer

TCP 7443 - SSL HTTP Bind

TCP 7070 - HTTP Bind

TCP 5269 - S2S port

TCP 5223 - SSL XMPP Jabber

TCP 5222 - TLS XMPP Jabber

TCP 3478-3479 - STUN port

TCP 1935 - Red5 RTMP port

TCP,UDP 3000-3039 - RTP port

TCP,UDP 5060-5099 - SIP ports

At minimum, I’d recommend 5222 and 5223.

Dear Puff

Thank you very much for your… help… and suport. … we will be implementing… the spark S/W in a remote location via … public IP address.

Thank you again…


Thank you very much…