Spark registry entries?

Does spark create any registry keys when it is installed? My goal is to find out if a machine has spark currently installed and if so where the installation is.

look at HKLM\SOFTWARE\ej-technologies\install4j\installations

It also creates a startup entry for the current user during the installation in


Thanks for your reply. However, I think this registry entry is only valid if the user has startOnStartup=true in the file, if this is set to false that entry isn’t in the registry (at least not for me anyway).

Seems to me the most reliable way of checking if Spark is installed is to look where llya Shipitsin suggested. I’m just curious as to why the entries have such peculiar names (i.e. instdir3057-7228-2063-7466). It looks like these are created by install4j and are representative of some sort of installation GUID. Can anyone confirm if these entries remain the same over multiple platforms/OSes?

You a re right about the startOnStartuo option. But Spark installer will add this to the registry anyway and this registry key will be removed if a user runs Spark and that setting is read from the file.

Yes, i have the same key in my registry (Windows XP/Windows 7). instdir3057-7228-2063-7466