Spark User info

We restrict users in our IM environment. Using Spark v3.0.1 and having just upgraded to Openfire 4.7.5 (connecting to our AD)
we noticed that users in Spark can hover (mouse over) over another username in (any) roster and get contact information (such as their phone number). We would like to disable this or restrict the info to just a name. Is there a setting in Spark that we could use? Can we disable the hover/mouseover feature in Spark? What about Vcard settings (ldap.vcard-mapping property) on our IM server?

Thanks in advance…

This likely is a result of the VCard mapping that is configured in your server. I suspect that Spark won’t display this information any longer when that mapping is modified in Openfire.

From the top of my head, I cannot think of another reason to have a VCard mapping, other than sharing that data between users. If that’s undesirable, you might as well remove that mapping.

I took a look at that vcard mapping configured on our server. We really only want the username and “real name”, so I pared down the vcard mapping template to just show that. I am not yet sure that it works but will let you know.

Thanks again.

Values are likely cached. You may need to restart Openfire and clients for the values to disappear.