SparkTabbedPane (Externalizing Tabs)


The externalized tabs are really my main interest. Any idea when that portion might be rolled out?

Sorry, can’t tell you anything. Maybe Nick will comment here (though i doubt). I know that cstux (main SVN contributor now) was working with Nick on history and emoticons fixes, don’t know if they were working on tabs too. This part should be more complex so i don’t hope to see it soon.

Was wondering how I can get this update and can someone tell me (non programmer) how to update this option. I work with the Military and it is something that has been expressed to have the ability to have multiple chat windows open to visually see what is taken place in rooks. Most monitor several rooms at one time.

Any help would be great.

You can find spark.jar file attached in the last message on the previous page. You can put it in you Spark /lib folder, instead of the original one. Hope this works, cause i don’t remember what version it is compatible with.


Is there any news on this? I’m going to try implement this in the source code myself because I cannot login if I use the .jar file…

We’re going to implement this in a fairly large company, and this is the only thing that is holding us back…



No news and i can’t say when this issue can be properly addressed. I think you should try implementing this yourself. You are welcome to contribute your work of course