SparkWeb Authentication

I am been attempting to setup SparkWeb on my internal Openfire server for several days now. The Openfire/Spark setup works flawlessly and my users are very happy. However, when I attempt to login via Sparkweb outside of my firewall, as a normal user, I get this message: “Not Authorized. Please try again.” The only users allowed to login are Openfire administrators. I have opened the ports on my firewall and configured the client index.html file as suggested in the forums and it works…kinda. Am I missing something in the config?


Openfire 3.6.0a

Spark 2.5.8

SparkWeb 0.9.0

I feel your pain. I struggled for 2 days trying to get SparkWeb to work even without a firewall.

I had the same error, but it was with every username/password attempt.

It sounds like it may be only finding the admin account??

Here’s what worked for me:

I edited the SparkWeb.html file with the following settings:

function jive_sparkweb_getConfig()
return {
server: “”,
connectionType: “http”,
port: “7070”,

bindPath: “/http-bind/”,

autologin: “false”,


I have heard of people getting it to work right out of the box, even with the connectionType = socket and port = 5222.

Let’s hear more…

Thanks for your help. Do you know where I can get the “assets/css/SparkWebSkin.swf” file? I have basically started over with the sparkweb client config, but now I cannot remember where I got this file from.


It’s funny you should ask that, simply because I have rear several posts about the need for that file.

It seems that was from an old version of SparkWeb. I don’t have that .swf file, nor did I create one.

Don’t need it for ver 0.9.0.

If you really want it, traverse the file structures and you should find it.

Go to the Download tab to get the 0.9.0 software.


Ok, to correct the issue, I just copied SparkWeb.swf to assets/css/SparkWebSkin.swf. This allowed me to login.

Thanks again for the help!

More information for those who are interested. I have tested this on several machines, with the same results. I get the following error attempting to login a second time using Mozilla 3.0.1: “Problem authenticating with the server or you are not authorized to perform this operation”.

However, this login works consistently with IE 7 ( on the same machine) and Mozilla 2 (on a different machine). Must be some setting or maybe related to changes between Mozilla 2 and Mozilla 3. Again, I can usuall login in the morning without error, when I logout and attempt to login again I get this error.

Hope this will help track down this intermittent error.


Thanks for your response, but I am running SparkWeb 0.9.0. Maybe I am misisng something else. Just to be safe, I will wipe out the file and config and start over with a fresh download.



Hi Friends,

I done with ur all instrictions it wont work. can help on that from where i will get SparkWebSkin.swf file. Please help out from this.