I am been attempting to setup SparkWeb on my internal Openfire server for several days now. The Openfire/Spark setup works flawlessly and my users are very happy. However, when I attempt to login via Sparkweb outside of my firewall, as a normal user, I get this message: “Not Authorized. Please try again.” The only users allowed to login are Openfire administrators. I have opened the ports on my firewall and configured the client index.html file as suggested in the forums and it works…kinda. Am I missing something in the config?
Thanks for your help. Do you know where I can get the “assets/css/SparkWebSkin.swf” file? I have basically started over with the sparkweb client config, but now I cannot remember where I got this file from.
More information for those who are interested. I have tested this on several machines, with the same results. I get the following error attempting to login a second time using Mozilla 3.0.1: “Problem authenticating with the server or you are not authorized to perform this operation”.
However, this login works consistently with IE 7 ( on the same machine) and Mozilla 2 (on a different machine). Must be some setting or maybe related to changes between Mozilla 2 and Mozilla 3. Again, I can usuall login in the morning without error, when I logout and attempt to login again I get this error.
Hope this will help track down this intermittent error.
Thanks for your response, but I am running SparkWeb 0.9.0. Maybe I am misisng something else. Just to be safe, I will wipe out the file and config and start over with a fresh download.