I checked out Sparkweb by using tortoise svn from the link http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos/sparkweb/trunk . I did exactly the same as described here http://community.igniterealtime.org/docs/DOC-1510#comment-4086 . When I try to compile it gives me the error “unable to open \XIFF\bin\XIFF.swc” . When I look at the workspace, I see the project name as ‘XIFF GUI’ not ‘XIFF’ even the project ‘XIFF GUI’ looks for ‘XIFF.swc’ and give the same error. I can not compile project at all. I made some search and found some source code at http://code.google.com/p/re-ignited/ . I can check out and compile this code easily. I can also see the project XIFF and XIFF.swc here. Bu the compiled code from google code does not work with my openfie 3.7.0. I tried to use the XIFF.swc from google code in the project I downloaded from official link by adding the buildpath. But there were a lot of errors. I guess It looks for another version of XIFF.swc. Why can I not see XIFF project and XIFF.swc when I make svn check out from http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos/sparkweb/trunk? How can I get the latest source code of Sparkweb? please help me. Thanks.
Excellent, this will nicely compliment the work I am doing, extending XIFF to supports RTMP and the new RTMFP p2p protocols. The idea is scale a single Openfire to handle thousands of users by using Redfire as an XMPP connection manager and using XIFF to enable clients become nodes or supernodes like Skype does.
Nodes will connect and distribute messages to each other without a server using RTMFP, while supernodes will connect to Openfire via the Redfire connection manager using RTMP and act as proxies for their neighbour nodes.