SparkWeb with Red5 - Create Account workflow fails

This is the Create Account workflow in our instance of Sparkweb with Red5 . The web client opens in the SparkWeb.html page of the user’s browser. The App success opens. The user now has a choice to login or create an account. If they click on Create Account. The Create account form opens. The User enters their choice of User name, selects or enters the Server name, enters a snappy Password and confirms same by re-entering it. Then our user must either select by clicking the ‘Cancel’ or the ‘Create’ button to generate the next action. If they select Cancel one click cancels the operation and the screen returns to the login. -Done However, with our instance,selecting the Create requires two clicks. In the background the new account is created. In front of the ‘new’ user nothing else happens. The user doesn’t receive any notification of the success. Perhap the next step in the workflow for new user would be a successful login! In fact, if the user waits around for a full minute they receive an ‘Unable to create account’<which is really odd because the account was created.

Are we missing something in the config?

from Openfire admin

Inband Account Registration

is enabled

and here is the html from SparkWeb below:


jive_sparkweb_getConfig() {

var username = getPageParameter(‘username’, ‘’ );

var password = getPageParameter(‘password’, ‘’ );

var autologin = getPageParameter(‘autologin’, ‘false’ );

var webapp = getPageParameter(‘webapp’, ‘red5’ );

var conn = getPageParameter(‘conn’, ‘http’ );




" Mapping Everything" ,”,

password: password,

server: window.location.hostname,

port: conn ==

username: username,


“socket” ? 5222 : window.location.port,


connectionType: conn,


webapp: webapp,

webcamAvatar:” + webapp + “/crossdomain.xml”,

visualPresence: 60,

autologin: eval(autologin)




policyFileURL: "" + webapp + “/crossdomain.xml”,

is not going to work. You need to remove this and force SparkWeb to use the default socket server on Openfire instead.

Unfortunately, this behaviour may take a while to fix as it was created by a change to the Flash Player by Adobe. The most recent versions now expects a security cross-domain policy file served from the same domain server on port 5269. A file will cause a not authorized error

If it is not recieved in 3 seconds, it will throw a “not authorized” error which SparkWeb shows as account not created. I will look at changing the error, but the solution is to retry. It will mostly happen on a cold server or slow network connection.