Staring with Jive messenger...few questions?

Jive without data persistence ?

Can I make Jive messenger work without having the jive save data(message log etc) to the Database. In short I just need a simple message send/receive solution - no roster, no offline messages, etc. I DONT need any data persistence. I will plugin my own authentication(through AuthProvider/UserProvider). This will run against a database(Mysql). But thats the only databse interaction I want.

Also a Plugin question?

Is it possible to configure multiple plugins and have them work like plugin chains, just like multiple servlet filters get invoked in a chain ?

So i am looking for something like this -

BusinessRuleCheckPlugin —> AbusiveLanguageCheckPlugin —> etc. —> <>

I am guessing the <> is the onle which will eventually send the message.

Thanks for your help.

Can I make Jive messenger work without having the

jive save data(message log etc) to the Database.

In short I just need a simple message send/receive

solution - no roster, no offline messages, etc. I

DONT need any data persistence. I will plugin my own

authentication(through AuthProvider/UserProvider).

This will run against a database(Mysql). But thats

the only databse interaction I want.

You would need to do a bunch of customizations to the code in order to get that. Or, leave the stuff in there but just not use it.

Also a Plugin question?

Is it possible to configure multiple plugins and have

them work like plugin chains, just like multiple

servlet filters get invoked in a chain ?

So i am looking for something like this -

BusinessRuleCheckPlugin —>

AbusiveLanguageCheckPlugin —> etc. —>


I am guessing the <> is

the onle which will eventually send the message.

Check out the packet interceptor feature. It does pretty much what you’'re looking for I think.



Thanks a lot, Matt.

I guess I could ignore everything and leave the stuff behind. But I dont want unnecessary SQL calls going to the database.

For example, since i dont want offline messages - in the admin console i have offline messages set to “drop” (this should be enough to turn off offline msg’'s?). And went ahead and disabled the OfflineMessageStore module in XMPPServer.loadmodules. Basically i commented out this -


Inspie of this Jive does try n talk to the jiveoffline table.

I did the same thing with MultiUserChatServerImpl and took off the muc* tables. I think this worked. I still need to do some more testing. But server did not complain during startup.

I am using Pandion as my test client. It is pssible that Pandion is sending IQ’'s that are triggering the database communication. I eventually plan to write my own client, so that should be taken care off.

But i guess i was wondering if jive tries to check for the table existence on startup or only when particular functionality is invoked. Another example is Private messages. I am guessing this is used to send Prvt msg in a multi user chat room? If i dont need MUC then i dont need this too. so can i go ahead n comment out - loadModule(PrivateStorage.class.getName()) too?

same for Roster management?

Thanks, appreciate your help.