Status of all users doesn''t change

Hi guys,

I was using wildfire_3_1_0_beta_3 integrated with openldap-2.2.13-4 all running on a linux box. My ldap has users and groups and everything was running just fine. Now I’‘ve upgraded to wildfire-3.1.1 and the status of users doesn’'t change at all. When some one signs in or out no one can notice the change.

Am I missing something here? maybe a ldap config?

Here is my ldap config (wildfire.xml)


<groupSearchFilter> <![CDATA[




thanks guys …


Oi Sergio,

Many changes were done to the LDAP integration after Wildfire 3.1.0 beta 3. In particular, the LDAP section in the wildfire.xml file has changed. As it was mentioned in the Wildfire 3.1.0 Released thread the easiest way to do the upgrade is to rerun the LDAP wizard. You can either do that by rerunning the setup process as described in the previous link or you can do it from the admin console in the new menu item Profile Settings. Remember to make a backup of your conf/wildfire.xml file before running the LDAP wizard so you can always rollback your changes in an easy way.


– Gato

Oi Gato,

thanks for all information and I did a reconfiguration of LDAP part using the admin console (Profile Settings) and I tested all three steps (all done sucessfuly). But I still have the status problem, when a user logs in he/she will see all online users but after that all status doesn’'t change at all. Any other ideas ?

here is my new wildfire.xml (LDAP portion):



