Status website for Openfire

I was wondering if anyone has already implemented a website where you can see the status of Openfire and its components? I mean a site where I can see several icons, one for the jabberservice itsel, one for each transport and one for the conference service and so on. It would be nice to have such status symbols in the startpage of a homepage.

Hello everyone!

I managed to solve a small part of my request myself. I use the XMPPHP library to check the server. Here is my piece of code:

                include 'xmpphp/XMPPHP/XMPP.php';
                $notWorking = "Jabber-Server is offline";
                $working = "Jabber-Server is online";
                try {
                $conn = new XMPPHP_XMPP('', 5222, 'testuser', 'test', 'xmpphp', '',$printlog=False, $loglevel=LOGGING_INFO);
                if(!$conn->isDisconnected) {
                        echo "$working";
                        echo "$notWorking";
                catch (XMPPHP_Exception $e) {
                        echo "$notWorking";

It is a very primitive small script which will tell if the server is working if everything went fine with the connect. If anything goes wrong (even if it’s not the servers fault) it tells that the server is offline.

There are probably some more advanced programmers than me (it’s my very first piece of php-code) which could extend this code so that you could also check the status of components like transports.