Strange behaviour c2s connection with spark 2.5.8 and openfire 3.4.2

Hello to all, i’m running openfire 3.4.2 on a lenovo machine with windows server 2003r2. The software works amazingly good in the LAN, but when I try to connect from a client outside of it I can see all the users of the company but it can’t determine the status of them. In other words I can see the users but not their status, and they can’t see me. On the server side I’ve opened all the ports in the firewall( zywall 5), I think, it required:5222, 5223, 8483. I also tried with ports 3478 & 3479, but with no results. What did I miss?

If you need more details just ask. I wish I wrote in the right community.

Thanks…Bye, Antonio

Hello, nobody can help me? You need more details?

Would really appreciate!!

Enjoy, Antonio

Is there any reason that might stop you from upgrading from Openfire 3.4.2 to Openfire 3.5.1? I believe it may be best to use the latest editions as this might be fixed in the newer version. Also i don’t really see anything in Spark that would cause this but an error or debug log from either of the software might be helpful too.

Sorry for my long absence.However I still didn’t upgrade to 3.5.1 just because I dodn’t know if my roster will be automatically migrated to the new version. Do I need to specify a new batabase or it will use the old one? If the answers to these question are all positive then I will move to the newer release. I’m still out and will post a log in the next days, if I find out the way to do this. Sorry but very noob on these things.

Thanks a lot for your patience.