Strange login behavior


my openfire 3.4.4 behaves really strange if i try to login in through the admin web-console.

After entering username and password nothing happens.

If i use a non admin user, a non existing user, or a false password, openfire complanis about it.

Anybody knows what is going wrong ?

Thank you,



this is what i found in the debug.log :

LdapManager: Trying to find a user’s DN based on their username. uid: myusername, Base DN: ou=People,o=My Organisation,c=de…

LdapManager: Creating a DirContext in LdapManager.getContext()…

LdapManager: Created hashtable with context values, attempting to create context…

LdapManager: … context created successfully, returning.

LdapManager: Starting LDAP search…

LdapManager: … search finished

LdapManager: In LdapManager.checkAuthentication(userDN, password), userDN is: cn=“Real Name”…

LdapManager: Created context values, attempting to create context…

LdapManager: … context created successfully, returning.

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