Stuck when add Administrator during install (LDAP)

Hi there

I’m now setup the openfire. After i setup the “profile setting” for LDAP & past the all the built-in test. i stuck at the page of “add Administrator” afterwards.

if i input a exist domain username, it returned the following error:

but if i input the username in username@domainname or domainname\username, it returned “No username was provided or the specified username was not found.”

is there any one can help?




It seems the username is not submitted correctly as a domain username (but a local username instead?), is this a known bug?




My Config

**embedded database settings

**Directory Server (LDAP)

**Server Type - Active Directory

Host = (domain controller netbios name)

**Base DN = dc=lbh,dc=local

Administrator DN = CN=ADMINISTRATOR,OU=users,dc=lbh,dc=local

**Username Field = sAMAccountName

**Search Fields =

User Filter =

**Group Field = cn

**Member Field = member

Description = description

This config passed all the tests. But i still cannot add administrator


Another config

**embedded database settings

**Directory Server (LDAP)

**Server Type - Active Directory

Host = (domain controller netbios name)

**Base DN = dc=lbh,dc=local

Administrator DN = CN=ADMINISTRATOR,OU=users,dc=lbh,dc=local

**Username Field = sAMAccountName

**Search Fields =

User Filter =(memberof=cn=instant messaging,ou=lbh security groups,dc=lbh,dc=local)

**Group Field = cn

**Member Field = member

Description = description

Problem remain… is there any one who can help?

The problem still remains.

If i input a correct username, it will lead me to the error 500 page. If i input a incorrect username, it will return “No username was provided or the specified username was not found.”

Is there any known issue about this? i have searched the whole community these days & didn’t find similar problem.

Or is there any mistake i have made in my config?


“Illegal JID: cloud@sha_test2” is the error and you get it because you have an underscore in the domain name. I did run the setup a long time ago and never with LDAP, so I wonder where you did specify “sha_test2”. Is this the xmpp.domain which you did enter on the previous setup web page?



sha_test2 is the computer name but not the domain name, that’s strange. or does it mean i input a wrong host name in my setup?

my mistake should in **Host = (domain controller netbios name) **? or somewhere else?

Regards with great thanks!



Thank you very much!

the only problem is underscore… it works once i change the computer name & removed the underscore

