Hi there,
I am using OpenFire server to setup a voice chat application using google’s libjingle API. OpenFire has been exceptional in most part of the implementation. I am able to do p2p voice chat after connecting via OpenFire from most places. But when i try to perform voice chat behind NAT the voice chat does not work… Neither of the 2 sides can hear any voice. And there is a error that occurs on the openfire screen. Following is the error:
Exception in thread “Thread-8” java.lang.NullPointerException at de.javawi.jstun.test.demo.StunServer$StunServerReceiverThread.run(StunServer.ja va:113)
I presume that this is due to the fact that once both clients can not negotiate direct p2p connection then they try to connect via openfire stun server and as soon as that happens the stun server gives a exception and the communication is not possible. I have checked that the client that i have developed and is using to perform voice chat is correct. I have tried to connect that same client to gtalk’s server from those same 2 pcs and have been able to successfully perform voice chat.
I have enabled the stun server on open fire and have also enabled media proxy settings but to no use. Also once i disable the internal stunserver for openfire and only the addresses for default external stun server are entered in the stun settings and then i try to perform vocie chat from those same 2 pcs, neither side is able to hear any voice but the above error also does not occur in the open fire screen. Following are the external stun servers entered:
Please Help.