Support for IoT XEPs added to Smack

Starting with b91978dcc4ae partial support for the IoT XEPs was added to Smack. The XEPs consists, amongst other XEPs, of

  • XEP-0323: Data
  • XEP-0324: Provisioning
  • XEP-0325: Control
  • XEP-0347: Discovery
    The XEPs are in experimental state, which means changes to them are possible.

Smack does currently only support a partial set of the mechanisms specified, especially when it comes to Data and Control. For example only boolean and integer values can be read and written But support for more data types can be easily added.

The IoT API for those XEPs is available in the latest snapshot builds of Smack, which are available via Maven Central’s snapshot repository. A quick start guide can be found here.

The development of the API was sponsored by Clayster.

Clayster creates technology to secure trust in the transactions between physical and digital entities, and strives to be that generic foundation for your physical assets digital life.

Clayster has an IoT discovery and provisioning platform supporting XEP-0347 and XEP-0324. The platform is available for those who are interested to explore XMPP and IoT further. If you don’t want to run your own infrastructure, Clayster is able to provide an XMPP Server and the discovery/provisioning platform for you. Feel free to reach out to rikard at if you are interested to learn more about using XMPP for your next IoT project.