Support jsp

It only support html and js. Is there any way to make change on the below code to make it support jsp?

String appName = JiveGlobals.getProperty(VIDEO_CONFERENCE_PROPERTY_NAME, “tusung”);"Initialize Web App " + appName);

ContextHandlerCollection contexts = HttpBindManager.getInstance().getContexts();

WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext(contexts, pluginDirectory.getPath(), “/” + appName);

context.setWelcomeFiles(new String[]{“index.html”});


Suppport for JSP is an Openfire thing. You would need to replace the jasper-compiler.jar file and the jasper-runtime.jar files in the libs folder with ones that enable JSP compilation. I use the ones from Tomcat whenever I need to do that.

I replaced the jasper-compiler.jar file and the jasper-runtime.jar files with the ones from apache-tomcat-5.5.20. It didn’t work. Then I added jasper-compiler-jdt.jar from tomcat and it worked. Anyway, thanks Dele.