Synchronised Accounts (combined accounts)

I was wondering… each use on an Openfire server has an account right?

Well I would like to let each user… when they register… to have an account that can both, be used on a forum and on openfire.

So I was wondering if there is any way to combine an account with 2 different services. that way when they change the password on their forum account… it also changes in Openfire.

I’m looking to do this with Invision Power Board (IP.Board)

If anybody also knows another solution with any other forum type that’s also welcome but as I said… I’m looking to do it with Invision in mind.

So how do I go about having one account for Openfire and another service?

Can anybody help me? I’d really like to know how I can make a system where people can register and have Openfire accounts.

I really hope someone can help and thanks to anyone that does help.

If it’s a tutorial, then any forum will do I just need to know how to connect the forum and the servers into one account. (and also how accounts are deleted so they can be erased upon deletion of a profile/ban)

Commercial software (Clearspace and also older Jive Forums) has such integration. So there IS a way to do that. You can try viewing Openfire source and how Clearspace providers are written. There is no easy way without coding to integrate any forum DB with Openfire.

Yes you can sychronised.

You can use any forum type software and install it. Then write a Authentication and UserProvider Which make authentication from forum authentication mechanism and your Userprovider use the userbase of forum.

You can see example authprovider and userprovider in documentiaon…

Thank you that really helped… I will look at the documentation and search for the keywords

“authprovider” and “userprovider”

Hope this all goes well and thanks.