Tar checksum error on Linux/Unix build/source of JiveMess

Running fresh core install of Solaris 9, installed latest cluster, OpenSSH and JRE 1.5.0_02. Downloaded builds and sources of JiveMess in tar.gz. I then perform the following ops:

gzip -d jive*

tar -xvf jive*

On either the build or source of Jive Messenger, getting message:

tar: directory checksum error

after the tar -xvf jive* command.

I am very new to Solaris, I am probably doing something wrong, but I have setup a sparc box whose sole goal in life is to run Jive Messenger. Any help would be appreciated.

I would recommend trying GNU tar instead of the one built into Solaris. If I remember correctly, the Solaris version has a bunch of bugs.




GNU tar did the trick … our corporate Jive server is up and running!

Thank you for the quick response.