The issuses of after deployed cluster with Hazelcast Clustering Plugin of Openfire

I have three server nodes : A (,B (,C (

And all of them share a same Mysql database. Initially, I installed Openfire to B & C server.After that I installed Openfire to A. Such an installation made domain of all servers same as domain of A server.All server domains are now. I used Strophe.js accessing A node successfully via BOSH After deployed cluster with Hazelcast Clustering Plugin. But might be owing to domains of B and C node are same as A’s , lead to I can not access B and C via BOSH with Strophe.js but the clients software like Spark can access all of them and works fine. Accessing B and C via BOSH made errors below:

<body xmlns='[]('><failure xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"><not-authorized/></failure></body>

Now my issue is that I need to access the cluster by using BOSH.Is it enough access only A node or I need to be able to access all nodes via BOSH? If I wanna access all nodes via BOSH in the meantime,how should I deploy cluster of openfire.

Here is configuration of Hazelcast


  <multicast enabled="false">




   <tcp-ip enabled="true">





  <interfaces enabled="true">



  <aws enabled="false"/>


I appreciate any help !I hope you could forgive my awful english and understand my issue description.