Top 5 Spark wishes for Spark


could you explain the BIG one? Wildfire has LDAP / AD integration and it’'s the server and not the client which verifies the authentication.

But Spark could indeed pick up the %USERNAME% value if no username is specified in settings.xml (maybe it does already).


I thought I would just chime in here. We just rolled out Wildfire as our only office messenger. Half of us use Spark and half use Pandion. So here are my wishes.

  1. Transport Support (support to register with and add/remove contacts)

This needs to be controlled though somehow. Currently we control who has access to the transports by who has Spark and who has Pandion.[/i]

  1. Video (webcam) support.

We have been looking for an inter-office webcam solution for a while now.[/i]

  1. Single Sign On

We have our server setup with Active Directory integration. While this is minor it would be great if they could just open up the application and not have to enter in any information.[/i]

Wow. That’‘s all I can think of right now. I’'ll chime in again if I think of something else.


Message was edited by: natepalmer

it would be great if

they could just open up the application and not have

to enter in any information.[/i]

wondering how is this different from putting Spark in system startup and checking autologin option? No user input needed to authenticate.

I thought Single Sign On is more about using same credentials as with system profile.

First I wasn’‘t aware of the LDAP/AD function since I didn’‘t see it in any docs or howto’'s. I would be VERY interested in finding out how to set that up. Ben actually mentioned something about it to me earlier today, but I never did figure out how to set it up and configure it.

Second, I am looking for the same sort of thing that “natepalmer” is talking about in his post a few up from this one when he talks about “single signon”.

Much the same way that Outlook will use the credentials that the user signed onto the network with. Our network requires password changes every 60 days so they change it,log off, and log back in and Outlook still never asks for a password. The profile follows them around so if they come to my computer and log in it does the same thing, never asks for a password.

Hi All,

We are in the process of adding Single Sign on to Spark and Wildfire. We are actually getting some great work from one of our forum users (slushpuppie). Hopefully, we can get this rolled in soon.



Will single sign on only be supported for Active Directory. We use oracle application server which uses oracle internet directory for single sign on.

Will other single sign on products work?


Ive been working on the SSO stuff. It will support Kerberos authentication, which Active Directory uses. If you have the “pure” MIT version, that will work, or even the Heimdal version should work (untested though). Really, the SSO will support anything that Java supports, so if Oracle uses somethign else and has java packages for it, we can make it work. Someone has provided the older NTLM authentication so NT4.0 domains will work too.

Do you know the details of Oracle’'s implementation? It might be better if yuo send me a private message so we dont clutter up this thread any more than it is.

  1. Make ; - ) show a and : - D should show a :smiley: Best to go through the smilies and fix’'em all up

  2. Multiple account/logons support (or at least allow for account viewing/changes without having to logoff)

  3. Fix the systray icon interaction please! Sometimes when clicking once on it it pops under the current open window (and no I don’'t have any windows forced to stay on top).

  4. Reconnect Button option after the 5 second auto reconnect fails.

  5. Windowed option instead of tabbed chats.

I’‘ve only been using Spark for a few days now, but even with the above issues I have with it…so far it’'s great! Love the Asterisk integration!



Changed Sat June 24,2006

Actually I’'ll scrap all above wishes for one!

SIP Support!


Message was edited by: RaBiDFLY

First, I want to thank Ben for sparkstart.bat. He’'s the man.

Secondly, I have built an msi package for Spark using WinInstaller LE. I have tested and deployed it on Windows XP SP2 using group policy and it works perfectly. The only little details are:

  1. The installer tells Spark to run on startup.

  2. Only installs to C:\Program Files\IM.

  3. The exe spark uninstaller comes packaged as well, which may cause a little confusion.

When an msi packaged Spark install is integrated with group policy and sparkstart.bat it can be completely managed from windows server 2000/2003.

I don’‘t expect anyone to trust an install from a random user, but if you’‘re daring enough and you don’‘t want to make the package yourself, send me a message or reply and I’'ll give it to you.

The package was created on a fresh Windows XP SP2 install with no live internet connection and while running Avast! antivirus on it’‘s most extreme level, so as far as I know it’'s safe.

Let me know.

About the only thing I see missing for my organization is having a subject line for broadcast messages, like Exodus. I’'d like to be able to migrate all of our users to Spark from Exodus, but the subject line thing is pretty much a must.

Speaking of Exodus…

The primary reason I can’'t migrate my users is that Exodus has conversations tabbed in main window and they can close Exodus down to taskbar and keep a conference room active.

I think they could get past the multiple window issue if Spark used the conversation window X (not the conversation tab X) to close conversation down to taskbar or at least the - (minimize) closed to taskbar instead of the application bar.

Basically, my users want to keep a conference room open 24x7 but dont want the program in their application bar.

BENWILCOX: Let me know if you want a copy of the script.

That would be great. My address should be my profile.



Don´t understand that??? ( Support for multiple simultaneous logins/accounts )

Jabber was created to make multiple logins unnecessary!


The most necessary functions are:

  1. Voice and Video

  2. WhiteBoard


  4. SIP Softphone ( All in one )

  5. VNC (Server and Client)

barata7 wrote:

Don´t understand that??? ( Support for multiple simultaneous logins/accounts )

Jabber was created to make multiple logins unnecessary!

But it hasnt done that all closed networks would dissapear in a moment And they will still exist in future. E.g. even in the same organization, x servers with restriction for outside communication and some admins/support group which has to communicate with every server. For testing purposes maybe. And someone would want to have multiple accounts even on the same server (ones with multiple personalities)

I admit this is not the first on the list, but could be nice to have.

I like your idea for VoIP, I believe that over a IM network, that would be called VoIM. I believe that they have a Wildfire plugin to Astrisk which does that, if I am not mistaken. I would like to have some kind of VoIP client that could hook to hardware to interface and phase out our Lucent/Avaya Phone system.

Whiteboarding would be huge! We could use that at our company, too.

I was also thinking, if Spark could interact with Outlook for reasons of why people are not at their desk in their away messages. (Away at the corporate conference.)

Also, RDC (Remote Desktop Connection) or VNC (Virtural Network Computing) if your computer supports it and you were given permission by the other user or an Administrator. So that you can remote assist somebody without having to get up from your desk.

Message was edited by: HenryPFP

I require IM to chat to customers and I would love to have Spark open all the time. By this, I mean that I keep my browser, email client, word processor windows so that they always leave an 2 inches on the rightmost of the screen free. In this rightmost inch, I have two chat programs, Trillian and Spark running.

Unfortunately, the Spark UI is very heavy with toolbars that essentially waste my screen real estate. Spark occupies over twice the real estate I need to run Trillian. The end result is that I have Spark compressed as thin as it can be on the rightmost side of the screen, with Trillian sitting over the bottom half of it. Try scrolling Spark as thin as possible, and see how the UI looks.

I would jump on the idea of cleaner, ‘‘thinnable’’ UI since they would turn Spark into something I can use without delay, and here is where my feature requests lie:

  1. Ability to un/hide the buddy list easily. To uncover Spark, I want to just hit my mouse against the right side of the screen for 250 msecs and Spark slides almost instantly into view, clipped against the right-hand side of the screen. While my mouse is on Spark, it acts as normal. When my mouse is off Spark for say 3 full seconds, the buddy list slides back off-screen. This wouldn’'t affect the chat windows.


  1. Options in the Preferences to remove every toolbar. I have never used the ‘‘search for other people’’ toolbar since my client list is managed from the server. I never use the Contacts and Conferences toolbar, and the Icon list, and the username/status toolbar above it. Give me the option to strip down the UI and I’'d love it.

  2. The names get chopped before all the greyspace etc. I would like an option for the greyspace and icon to disappear, as well as those away messages. Ideally, I want just the name to show, and to have it butt right up against the leftmost side of the window.

  3. Allow the option of hiding groups entirely by right clicking ‘‘Hide’’ rather than just minimising. I don’'t want to know about groups I never use. \

  4. Allow me to modify group label online. I only need to know the first time the the ‘‘7 online’’ count. Having ‘‘My Group Name (13)’’ is probably better for me than having ‘‘Massive Unchangeable Group Name (13 Online)’’ especially when I only see "Massive… ‘’

As you can see, my last few requests are related to creating a minimalist theme. It’'d be great if you could have an option on the Actions drop-down menu to switch themes that allowed users to go form the default ‘‘full’’ theme to the ‘‘minimalist’’ in one click.

Just my .2 cents, thanks for a great product.


Support for multiple logon servers…

i.e. if the first fails go to the second automatically.

I voted for unicode support as well! View Profile doesn’'t work if the user has accents on its name or address etc…

I only have one request - TABS (like Exodus).

This is really the only thing keeping my department from using the software.

Don’'t get me wrong, Spark is a very nice, clean program, but for any group that requires its users to stay in a chat room throughout the day it is a mess. Users are required to keep multiple windows open.

So that’'s it for me - tabbed chat and groupchat windows inside the main interface.

I’'d like to see in The Spark 2:

1)Customizing interface would be dramatically needed, like a translated in native language (Russian ) spark user interface. Its may be centralized (wrought WildeFire web interface) or interface may stored in separated local file.

2)Better support of the Unicode

3)And ?board? service, like in a LAN chats, would be cool to!

P.s. Sorry for my bed English.

Message was edited by: Light