Transport Plugin

Transport Plugin

Has anyone thought of creating a plugin for the transports. my favorite part of wildfire is the ease of installing plugins. I have seen the one for Yahoo but I cannot seem to find a good download location. any ideas?

Hey Senate,

AFAIK, the yahoo transport being built is not currently under active development. I agree with you in that having transports as Wildfire plugins would make it really easy to install and use. However, I think that Py* transport are mature enough and installing them is not that hard. So instead of implementing our own transport we can use our time to implement novel and cool features.

Anyway, if you are going to implement your own transport then we would be glad to help you answering any question you might have.


– Gato

The problem with external components is that they have to be started manually after Wildfire is up & running (except jit, which tries connecting again over and over until it succeeds). That means there’'s no way to automate starting Wildfire and the transports without some voodoo-magic sleep-calls inbetween.

Hey Andreas,

If I recall correctly, PyAIM and PyMSN have some retry logic. I remember restarting the server and seeing those gateways connected. Are you using latest versions of those plugins? If my memory is wrong and they do not have that feature then I would recommend contacting the developers and ask for such feature. When running distributed processes like in this case, components should be smart and keep retrying for awhile.


– Gato