Troubles installing nightly builds

Hi all!

I have just downloaded jive messenger from nightly builds, and I’'m having problems with the script /src/bin/ When I execute it I receive the following message:

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.

We cannot execute java

I try to edit and find it into the code, but I didn’‘t find. I search the forum and could’‘nt find anything. I read the documentation, but the instalation section from version 2.2.2 to nightly builds is the same and didn’'t work for me.

I’'m installing jive into a Debian distro with kernel 2.4.31 and my java is installed into /usr/java/jre1.5.0_05/

Ps: I’‘m installing nightly builds because the version 2.2.2 didn’'t work very well.

Tks for any help.

JAVA_HOME is an envrionment variable, it should be pointed to your /usr/java/jre1.5.0_05.


That’'s OK, sorry for the newbie question!!!

Now I’'m having a new problem. When I execute I got the message:

Unable to access jarfile /usr/bin/jive_messenger/src/lib/startup.jar

I try to locate for startup.jar into my machine, but nothing was found, either there is no startup.jar file into the tar.gz that I download.

My old 2.2.2 jive mesenger has the startup.jar file. I could use it?

Tks Alex until now

Ps: There is no /lib/ directory in the /src/… diretory.