Two Questions - JVM and Active Directory

Thanks to the great users here, I’'ve finally gotten our Wildfire server tied into our AD forrest. But I have a couple of questions, there are a few security groups that are being loaded into the users lists in the wildfire console, how would I go about removing those? not sure what scripting I would use for that.

Also, the JVM size seems a bit small. only 63 meg. The install guide indicated to create a file called vmoptions in the bin folder of where wildfire lives and to use -Xms128m and -Xms256m as an example, I’'ve done that and stopped and restarted wildfire and the console still shows 63 meg for the JVM.

Is there anything else I need to do?

Thanks Much,


Question 1:

Try to define LDAP group searching filter in wildfire.xml under the tag .

Question 2:

Actually the filename is a bit more complex… I think it is “wildfired.exe.vmoptions”

Put it in the bin folder,

and it worked for 2.4.0 up to 3.0.0 beta.

I didn’'t try it out on 3.0.1 but it should be the same.

Message was edited by: Patrickov

)(objectClass=organizationalPerson)) Note how I escaped the “&” character. That’‘s required since it’'s XML. One additional note is that the searchFilter syntax is changing slightly for the 3.1 release of Wildfire. The filter by username field will now be implicit. That means you could simplify the search filter in this case to being: (objectClass=organizationalPerson) This should be a backwards-compatible change and is covered by JM-792. The new documentation entry for 3.1 is:

ldap.searchFilter – an optional search filter to append to the default filter when loading users. The default search filter is created using the attribute specified by ldap.usernameField. For example, if the username field is “uid”, then the default search filter would be “(uid=
Actually, if the groups are showing up as users, then you might need to set the user search filter, which I believe is called (&(sAMAccountName=)” where is dynamically replaced with the username being searched for. The most common usage of a search filter is to limit the entries that are users based on objectClass. For example, a reasonable search filter for a default Active Directory installation is “(objectClass=organizationalPerson)”. When combined with the default filter, the actual search executed would be “(&(sAMAccountName=)(objectClass=organizationalPerson))”.

