Uber noob with smack = dangerous and requests direction

Im busy reading all the documentation I can find regarding smack api, java, etc. Im interested in building a plugin for our avaya phone system to indicated telephone presence information. We have another in-house application that currently is able to query the avaya system for the same type of information.

I’'ve been administering our wildfire server for about 6 months but this will be my first attempt with writting a plugin. Can anyone provide any good documentation sites, links, or manuals that start at ground zero? I will need to begin learning the very basics.

Any help is appreciated.


this reminds me of the Asterisk plugin for Wildfire which queries the Asterisk PBX for “on the phone” status information. It has absolutely nothing to do with Smack.

Asterisk Plugin Source is available via SVN: http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/source.jsp

The source code for the other Wildfire plugins is included in wildfire_src.zip.


Hi theredthreat,

Jive is working with another company who has the Wildfire plugin for Avaya in a testing stage. If you’‘re interested in using an existing solution rather than coding your own, please send an email to “sales at jivesoftware.com” indicating what you’‘d like to do along with a link to this thread. You might also mention that Greg sent you so they know to clarify what you’'re after with me.

If you go the code-your-own route then LG’'s suggestion is the way to go.



so lt2000 what you are saying is that I could not use smack to write my own