Unable to register in the Smack IM group


I am trying to join the Smack chat room at https://inverse.chat/badge.svg?room=smack@conference.igniterealtime.org but I get an error.

Attached is the screenshot of the error.

I am trying to join from Chrome on a MacOS. I did not know where else to post this, hence I posted where to get a reference.

Hmm, where did you find that URL? It seems to be incorrect.

https://inverse.chat/?room=smack@conference.igniterealtime.org is the correct URL.

Note that the link above will require you to log in using an XMPP account.

If you do not have any, you can use the public web chat at Ignite Realtime: Group Chat - you’ll be joining our open_chat chatroom (not Smack’s room), but some of the same people are in both rooms.

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